The Kirkwells Team has direct experience of producing a wide range of planning documents to complement and expand on existing Local Plan Policies.  To find out more read on, or call 01282 872570

Our work includes:

  • design guides;
  • development briefs;
  • regeneration strategies and other supplementary planning documents; and  
  • the production of Heritage Appraisals. 

Heritage Appraisals are documents which explore how the historic evolution of areas has shaped their present day character and distinctive qualities.


Heritage Appraisal Character Areas

Heritage Appraisal Character Areas

The Heritage Appraisals were undertaken to ensure that future regeneration proposals for each area are informed by a sound understanding of the heritage importance of the area and have proper regard for their historic character and local distinctiveness.

The Appraisals showed how seemingly normal, mundane or everyday historic elements can contribute significantly to the overall quality and character of places or have an interest in their own .

The Heritage Appraisals produced provided an assessment of:


  • historical development and associations;
  • pattern of street layouts and historic transport routes;
  • activity and vitality of land uses;
  • building materials styles and architectural detailing;
  • quality and relationship of buildings;
  • prominent landmarks, vistas and panoramas;
  • setting and topography; and
  • trees parks and open spaces.

The assessment also detailed where elements made a positive or negative contribution to the townscape of the area.  The Appraisals also identified opportunities to retain, strengthen and hance local character and identity. 


Grids and loops and lollipops

Grids and loops and lollipops

Further to producing the Heritage Appraisals, the Kirkwells Team were also core to the production of Design Guides for the areas covered by the Heritage Appraisals.  The guides were adopted as Supplementary Planning Documents.

There were nine design objectives which underpinned each guide, which established key design and planning principles for new development in a local context informed by the Heritage Appraisals and built on the increasing emphasis on design and quality in urban regenerations.

For further information on heritage and urban design contact Claire on 01282 872570.

Read more: Case Studies