Sandygate forms the historic core of the Weavers Triangle. The Weavers Triangle is the heart of the Canalside Conservation Area in Burnley and includes an impressive sequence of mills, weaving sheds and canal related features.
The Kirkwells team produced a Development Guide for the area in 2010, to coincide with the launch of the official OJEU notice for the procurement of a developer partner for the area.
In order to assist in the interpretation and implementation for future development and in recognition that proposals for the area are likely to come forward through a number of separate planning applications, the Sandygate area was divided into 10 smaller sites within the development guide.
Within each area the Design Guide identified the existing character and uses within that specific area. This section also identified future uses that were viewed as appropriate for that section of the overall area.
The Guide sets out key components of good urban design in order to fulfil the regeneration objectives for the area. The objectives include:
- Creating a sense of place with a strong sense of identity;
- Integrating contemporary high quality and innovative design into the historic context;
- Addressing the relative isolation of the site;
- Reducing the negative impact of vehicle movement;
- Creating a functional, robust and appealing Public Realm; and
- Positively addressing the canal and topography.
Read more: Case Studies