East Riding of Yorkshire is consulting on major changes to the area’s new Local Plan. These changes affect the future of a number of towns and villages and the land owners within and around them. To make sure the East Riding Local Plan is right for you get expert help from Kirkwells’ chartered town planners by calling us on 01282 872570.

So what are the proposed changes?

The designation of Keyingham as a Rural Service Centre and an increase in the number of new houses to be built in the village from 85 to 170 houses.

New development limits around the villages of Carnaby and Buckton.  Within these development limits, small scale development, such as infill proposals, would be appropriate.

The allocation of new sites for development – for example because a new site was put forward through the recent consultation exercise or because a constraint to a site, such as highway access, has been overcome.

The removal of draft allocations – for example because consultation responses identified a constraint to the development of the site.

As a result of the proposed changes a number of towns and villages will see either a new site allocation or a site allocation removed.

Anlaby Driffield Howden Snaith
Beverley Easington Hutton Cranswick Stamford Bridge
Brandesburton Gilberdyke Keyingham Swanland
Bridlington Goole Kilham Walkington
Cherry Burton Hessle North Cave Wetwang
Cottingham Hornsea Preston Withernsea

Comments on the proposed changes must be received by the 30th of September 2013.

The full changes can be viewed here.


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