Following hot on the news of the listing of Preston’s brutalist bus station we can reveal that Preston City Council will consult on a new plan for the city from Monday the 30th of September 2013.

Now helpfully entitled the Preston Local Plan 2012-2026 rather than the mouthful of the “Site Allocation’s and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document”

The Preston Local Plan applies the general principles and policies set out in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy about how much new development should take place over the next 15 years and where and when it should occur. In particular, the Local Plan allocates or protects land for specific uses, such as housing or open space. It also contains development management policies to guide the council’s decisions on planning application’s.

The Preston Local Plan has now reached “Publication Stage” and the Plan, the associated Policies Map, and a range of supporting documents are available to download from here.

The period for making comments will be from Monday 30 September to Monday 25 November 2013.

This is a statutory period, and no comments received after that time will be accepted.

At “Publication Stage”, comments must be about whether the Local Plan meets the “tests of soundness”. This means your comments need to address the following questions:

  • Is the Plan positively prepared? i.e. is it based on a strategy that provides for development and infrastructure needs?
  • Is the Plan justified? i.e. is it founded on robust evidence and is it the most appropriate strategy against all the reasonable alternatives?
  • Is the Plan effective? i.e. is it deliverable, flexible, and able to be monitored?
  • Is the Plan consistent? i.e. is it in line with national policy?

Confused? Need expert help from RTPI chartered town planners to comment on the Preston Local Plan? Call Kirkwells on

01282 872570

Or email Michael or Louise.


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