We can help you produce Supplementary Planning Documents and Development Briefs. Over the years we have developed many supplementary planning documents (SPDs) from design guides to detailed policy guidance to deal with specific development management issues.
Read on for more information on just one example of our work, or call 01282 872570 to find out how we can help you.
Development Briefs for Burnley Wood, Daneshouse and South West Burnley.
For these three key areas within Burnley’s overall Housing Market Renewal Area.
Development Briefs built and expanded upon the Burnley Local Plan, emerging Area Action Plan policy, Design Guidance and Heritage Appraisals.
Involving extensive engagement with key stakeholders, local businesses, residents and community groups within each of the areas.
The three Development Briefs are now in the process of becoming adopted SPD’s.
In all three areas the development briefs are being used to steer the redevelopment of these neighbourhoods. With over 500 new homes planned or under construction.
To discuss how Kirkwells can help you develop your detailed planning policy or put together your detailed site development brief call Mick or Claire on 01282 872570.
Read more: Case Studies