Combining the Core Strategy, and Rugeley Town Centre Area Action Plan, Cannock Chase Council is consulting, up until the 17th of September 2012, on a new Local Plan.
The basic strategy in the plan is to focus development across the existing settlements of Cannock, Hednesford, Heath Hayes, Norton Canes, Rugeley, and Brereton.
- Cannock, Hednesford and Hayes will see 1,550 houses on urban sites and 750 homes as an urban extension on a strategic site west of Pye Green Road. and an initial 58 ha of employment land with more at Kingswood Lakeside, if required.
- Rugeley and Brereton will see 680 houses on urban sites. A strategic development allocation to the east of Rugeley within the Lichfield District Local Plan contributes 500 houses to meeting the growth requirements of Rugeley and Brereton via the south-east Staffordshire strategy.
- Norton Canes 120 houses on urban sites and 670 houses via urban extensions to the south of the settlement.
Will the Cannock Chase Local Plan affect you? Will it affect the value of your land and property, does it affect your local environment? Or will it prevent your future plans from taking place? If the answer to any of these questions is yes – take control by getting expert help from RTPI chartered town planners by calling –
01282 872570
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