Doncaster is consulting on the next stage of their Local Development Framework – the Sites and Policies Development Plan Document. Building on the Core Strategy this document runs up to 2028 and will have to identify:

  • suitable land for 18,450 new homes in the Doncaster main urban area (which extends from Bentley to Bessacarr/Cantley and from Balby to Kirk Sandall), Thorne, Mexborough, Conisbrough, Adwick and Woodlands, Armthorpe, Askern, Rossington, Stainforth and Hatfield and smaller amounts in Denaby, Edlington, Carcroft and Skellow and Moorends; and
  • space for 290 hectares of distribution warehousing, 190 hectares of light industry and manufacturing and 140,000 square metres of new office use.

If you are looking to develop land or property interests in Doncaster, or protect the local environment you need to respond to this consultation.  By doing this you can make sure your views are taken in to account in the development of Doncaster’s future planning policy.

So if you need to make sure your views are taken account of get expert help from RTPI chartered town planners by calling –

01282 872570

The number of planning consultations can seem endless. If this is taking up your time why not let Kirkwells take the strain? We monitor all local planning authority consultations. This saves your valuable time and gives you the security of knowing you will never miss a key event. To find out more click here.

Copies of the Doncaster plans can be viewed here from Monday the 6th of August 2012.

The consultation closes on the 21st of September 2012.


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