Bolton Council in Greater Manchester is consulting on the latest version of the town’s Site Allocations Plan, and the Draft Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule.

Bolton previously consulted on Site Allocations at the turn of the year, but the new Draft Plan that contains a Proposals Map, showing which sites might be suitable for development in the years up to 2026, including locations for new houses and new employment, includes a number of proposed changes.

If you own land or property in Bolton, or have an interest in protecting open land these changes could affect you.

To find out if they do and to get expert help from RTPI town planners email or call:

01282 872570

The consultation closes on the 14th of December and can be viewed here.

Bolton Council are also consulting on their Preliminary Draft Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule (CIL)This consultation ends on the 2nd of November 2012. As currently proposed CIL would be levied at £5 to £150 per square metre of property developed

If you own or develop property in Bolton the CIL will increase your development costs. To get expert help to respond to this consultation email or call:

01282 872570


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