Generating energy from renewable sources is good for the environment and good for your pocket as a householder. But if you are thinking of installing a wind turbine do you need planning permission or not?
To find out if you do read on, or call Claire on 01282 872570.
Within The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (England) Order 2011 Part 40 relating to the “Installation of Domestic Microgeneration Equipment” includes Class H and I which relate to the installation of wind turbines within the curtilage of a dwelling house.
Class H gives householders “permitted development rights” to install wind turbines on houses without planning permission in some instances. There are 12 criteria and 4 conditions which the installation has to satisfy in order to be acceptable without the need for planning permission.
Class I gives householders “permitted development rights” to install stand alone wind turbines without planning permission in some instances. In this class there are 12 criteria and 3 conditions which the installation has to satisfy.
One of the main criteria is that the wind turbine complies with the MCS Planning Standards. This 23 page document sets out the standards to enable products to be certified and installation companies to be approved and relates to turbine height, wind speed, blade swept area and distance from neighbouring properties.
If you are unsure, here at Kirkwells, we can advise you whether your development needs planning permission or not. Just give us a call on 01282 872570 or email Claire Parker at
If your installation requires planning permission, we can also handle the submission on your behalf.
Kirkwells also has a network of professionals who are experienced at installing renewable energy systems on houses. If you wish to discuss this, please give us a call and we will put you in touch with someone who can help you.
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