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Monthly Archives: May 2013
Harrogate Planning Consultations
Harrogate Borough Council are consulting until the 21st of June 2013 on five new planning policy documents: Sites and Polices Development Plan Documents (DPD): Publication Draft Community Infrastrucure Levy Charging Schedule Homes for Local People Supplementary Planning Document Heritage Management Supplementary Planning Document Green Infrastructure Guide For expert help to make sure your voice is heard in relation to any of these important consultations call Michael on 01282 872570 or email. To view any of these documents click here. ©Kirkwells Town Planners and Sustainable Development Consultants based at the Lancashire Digital Technology Centre in Burnley www.kirkwells.co.uk Research • Planning Policy • Site Search • Site Appraisal • Planning Applications • Appeals • Sustainable Development • Urban Design • Masterplanning • Heritage … Continue reading
Bolton Draft Community Infrastructure Charging Schedule
Bolton Council has published the charging rates it expects to introduce using the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Bolton’s Draft Charging Schedule proposes the following CIL rates: Residential dwellings and student accommodation £45 Retail warehouses £45 Supermarkets £135 All other chargeable development £50 (all rates are per square metre). The Draft Charging Schedule is available here. If Bolton’s CIL affects your land and property development get expert help so you can respond before the 24th of June deadline. Call us on 01282 872570 or email. ©Kirkwells Town Planners and Sustainable Development Consultants based at the Lancashire Digital Technology Centre in Burnley www.kirkwells.co.uk Research • Planning Policy • Site Search • Site Appraisal • Planning Applications • Appeals • Sustainable Development • Urban Design • Masterplanning • Heritage Statements … Continue reading
Trafford Consults on Community Infrastructure Levy
Trafford Council has published the charging rates it expects to introduce using the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Trafford’s Draft Charging Schedule proposes the following CIL rates: Private market houses Cold market sub-area £20 Moderate market sub-area £40 Hot market sub-area £80 (or £65 for apartments in this sub-area) Retail warehouses £75 Supermarkets £225 All other chargeable development £10 (all rates are per square metre). The Draft Charging Schedule is available here, including a map showing the market sub-areas. If Trafford’s CIL will affect your land and property development get expert help so you can respond before the 24th of June deadline. Call us on 01282 872570 or email. ©Kirkwells Town Planners and Sustainable Development Consultants based at the Lancashire … Continue reading
New Rights for Home Owners
The Government has recently announced new measures to enable householders to build larger extensions to their homes for a temporary period. For a period between the 30th May 2013 and 30th May 2016, householders can build single storey extensions up to 8 metres for detached houses and 6 metres for all other houses. Whilst the original permitted development rights remain, the new larger extensions will be subject to a process similar to prior approval, and a neighbour consultation scheme If you wish to extend your house, and would like someone else to deal with the bureaucracy and red tape of the planning system, contact Claire on 01282 872570 ©Kirkwells Town Planners and Sustainable Development Consultants based at the Lancashire … Continue reading
New measures to breathe life into empty buildings and boost growth
The Government has recently announced new measures to ensure that use is made of empty and underused buildings to provide homes and businesses New permitted development rights will enable offices to be converted to homes. High street premises will be able to be used for new types of business without permission. Buildings that are classed for use as retail, financial services, restaurants, pubs and hot food takeaways, offices, leisure and assembly uses can temporarily change to another use class. Existing agricultural buildings, less than 500m2, will be able to be utilised for a range of new uses such as shops or offices, to provide more chances for rural businesses to diversify. Also a series of measures will also facilitate the … Continue reading
FREE – Neighbourhood Plan Training
Want to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan? But not sure where to start? Why not get help from our award winning team. We are now offering parishes and community groups FREE Training. BOOK NOW for our special offer of FREE Neighbourhood Planning training. Delivered around England here are just a few comments: “very useful and a lot to think about!” (Bentham Parish Council). “helpful and informative… …a valuable source of information” (Simonstone Parish Council). “everyone got something out of it and they ended up with a greater understanding of the new system.” (Washburn Parish Council) “thank you… …everyone was pleased and impressed.” (Pontefract Town Council and Pontefract Groups Together) To book your FREE session call 01282 872570 or email Michael. Specially designed for parish and town councils, and … Continue reading
Neighbourhood Plan Designation: What Happens if we are not a Parish?
Town Planning heralded one of its most significant ever changes when on the 6th of April 2012 the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations came in to effect. These changes mean communities now have the power to plan and shape their neighbourhood. To find out more read on, or call Michael on 01282 872570. Much talk on neighbourhood planning has centred on existing parishes who are in the advantageous position of being already identified in the Localism Act as “relevant bodies” when seeking to be designated a neighbourhood planning area. But what about non-parished areas? Areas with, say neighbourhood forums, area boards, or some other less formal local decision-making structure. For non-parished areas there are additional requirements you will have to meet before … Continue reading
Parish Councils: How to Apply for Designation as a Neighbourhood Plan Area
If you area a parish or town council you can now seek to be designated as neighbourhood planning areas. This will allow you to prepare a neighbourhood plan. To find out more read this guide, or call 01282 872570 to discuss how you go about seeking a neighbourhood planning designation for your parish or town council. When applying for designation as a neighbourhood plan area parishes must apply to their local planning authority. This application must include: a map identifying the area to which the application relates; a statement setting out why the area is considered appropriate as a neighbourhood plan area; and a statement that the organisation is a “relevant body” i.e. a parish council. What happens after submitting … Continue reading
Thame and Exeter St James Neighbourhood Plan Yes Votes
Nigel Farage’s views on this are not yet known but Thame and Exeter St James have voted yes in the next neighbourhood plan referendums, after the yes vote in Upper Eden. In Thame the Referendum was held on Thursday 2 May 2013. The question which was asked in the Referendum was: “Do you want South Oxfordshire District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for the Thame Area to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?” Response Votes YES 2779 NO 855 TURNOUT 39.8 per cent On a much poorer turnout, than Thame, Exeter St James has voted yes in their neighbourhood plan referendum. Yes 92% No 6.2% Turnout 20.8% Kirkwells are one of the country’s leading independent experts on neighbourhood … Continue reading
Posted in Latest Planning News
Tagged Exeter St James, Neighbourhood Planning, Thame
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Neighbourhood Plan Training in Warwickshire and the West Midlands
“Excellent – well structured and well presented” “very interesting day and very informative” “Openness to ongoing questions very helpful” Just some of the comments we received after our recent neighbourhood plan training day for parishes organised alongside Warwickshire & West Midlands Association of Local Councils. Attended by 37 representatives from 17 parishes this one-day training event covered a range of themes using a mix of presentation and hands on workshops, including; Introduction to Neighbourhood Planning General conformity Putting your plan together Engaging the community Examination and referendum Funding This is training that gives you a realistic, comprehensive, and insider’s view of neighbourhood planning. Training that will allow you to assess whether neighbourhood planning is for your area, or give you new … Continue reading