Tag Archives: Funding

£9.5 million Funding to Support Neighbourhood Plans

This is the big news we flagged up some time ago in our monthly Neighbourhood Planning News. And, today (14 March 2013), Communities Minister Don Foster announced a £9.5 million of funding, over 2-years to support people in creating neighbourhood plans to shape development in their area. Groups of residents seeking to create a neighbourhood plan will be able to bid for up to £7,000 of funding each to contribute to the costs of preparing their proposal. Neighbourhood planning groups will find full details about the new 2-year programme from 15 April on the My Community Rights website. Communities will be able to submit applications for support and grants from 1 May 2013. First payments and direct support packages are expected to be agreed in … Continue reading

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Bidding for funding and project appraisal

If you need to put together a bid for grant or other funding Kirkwells can do this for you. We work with you to put together a credible, realistic funding package. e.g. for neighbourhood plans. We can do this for large and small projects and our assistance ranges from full bid preparation and co-ordination, to support and help on specific parts of your bid. You will be working with a team that has successfully bid for funding from many sources, including UK and EU Government. Over the years our team has successfully bid for funding of more than £100 million. On the other hand, if you are a grant funding body, and you are seeking independent appraisal of projects in … Continue reading

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