Tag Archives: Silloth

4,500 new homes for Allerdale

This Consultation has CLOSED. IF YOU MISSED IT. YOU NEED THIS. Allerdale Council are consulting on the area’s new Local Plan. This would see: 4,560 new homes built up to 2028; 45 hectares of new employment development; 35% of development would be in Workington; and 39% in the key service centres of Maryport, Cockermouth, Wigton , Silloth and Aspatria the Council are also proposing at least 20% of housing (on sites of 10 or more is affordable). This rises to 40% in Cockermouth; and strategic employment sites are also identified at: Lillyhall, Port of Workington and Derwent Howe; Will the future development of Allerdale affect where you live? Will it affect your business? Do you need help getting to grips with this consultation? Do … Continue reading

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