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Tag Archives: Call for Sites
North West Leicestershire Call for Sites
North West Leicestershire are updating their existing Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). As part of the update the Council are interested in receiving details of land with the potential for housing development. If you are aware of new sites within the district – now is the time to put them forward. There is no need to re-submit sites already submitted as part of a previous SHLAA. All site submissions must be made by 5pm on Monday 21st October. Need help with this call for sites? Get expert help call 01282 872570 or email.
Lancaster Call for Sites
Until 10th of May 2013 Lancaster City Council are inviting landowners, members of the public and prospective developers to put forward any sites they think have potential for housing in the next 15 years. If you own or know of a site that could be developed for housing and have not put it forward before now is the time. Sites put forward will be considered by the Council. This could be the first step towards planning permission significantly increasing the value of your site, or helping bring new homes to your local community. To get expert help to put your site forward call Michael on 01282 872570 or email Michael.
South Tyneside Strategic Land Review – Call For Sites
South Tyneside Council is looking to prepare a new Local Plan. To kick off this development plan preparation process South Tyneside Council are undertaking a comprehensive Strategic Land Review (SLR) of the borough. All people interested in the future of South Tyneside, whether as landowners, agents, potential developers, community groups or individuals are being asked to put forward sites that they think should be considered for future development. These sites would help meet South Tyneside’s housing, employment, retail, leisure and recreational needs in either the short-term (1-5 years), medium-term (5-10 years) or long-term (10-20 years). Sites can be previously-developed ‘brownfield’ land or previously-undeveloped ‘greenfield’ in nature. Do you own or know of a site in South Tyneside suitable for … Continue reading
York Core Strategy Withdrawn But City Calls For Sites
The York Core Strategy has been formally withdrawn, and as a result, the Examination into the Core Strategy has ceased. But the City Council are undertaking a Call for Sites exercise. Inviting the public, developers, landowners and businesses to submit details of sites that they consider could be suitable for development, or redevelopment, over the next 15-20 years or beyond. Site suggestions are invited for the following uses: housing, employment, retail, leisure, health, waste, energy generation, community and recreational uses. Do you own or know of a site suitable for development? If you do and you want to make sure it stands the best chance of success in the council’s plans get the help of town planning experts email or … Continue reading
London-wide Call For Housing Sites
The Greater London Authority, in partnership with the London Boroughs, has issued a call for sites to be included in the new London-wide Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). This fulfills the commitment made in the 2011 London Plan to update housing figures by 2015/16. Crucial to this process is preparing a new Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment. The study will assess sites across London for their potential to help address London’s housing needs. Including sites put forward by interested parties in this call for sites. All sites over 0.25 hectares will be considered as part of the study. So if you own or know of a site in London and need to promote that site for development through the … Continue reading