Tag Archives: Local Plan

Darlington Local Plan Preferred Option: Making and Growing Places

Darlington Council is seeking views on its Local Plan Preferred Option, Making and Growing Places. The Local Plan will identify where new housing, businesses, shops, schools, community facilities, doctor’s surgeries, roads and open space will go in the Borough up to 2026. It also says which land e.g. parks and playing fields and historic buildings will be protected. The consultation period runs until Friday 2 August 2013.    For expert help to make sure your voice is heard in relation to this important consultation call Michael on 01282 872570 or email. The consultation documents can be viewed here.   ©Kirkwells Town Planners and Sustainable Development Consultants based at the Lancashire Digital Technology Centre in Burnley www.kirkwells.co.uk Research • Planning Policy • Site Search • Site Appraisal • … Continue reading

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Fylde Consults on New Local Plan

Fylde Borough Council are consulting until the 22nd of August 2013 on their new Local Plan. Fylde 2030: Part 1 Preferred Options will guide development in the Borough until 2030. This first of two documents includes strategic policy, development management policies, and development sites within strategic locations. For expert help to make sure your voice is heard in relation to this important consultation call Michael on 01282 872570 or email. The consultation documents can be viewed here.     ©Kirkwells Town Planners and Sustainable Development Consultants based at the Lancashire Digital Technology Centre in Burnley www.kirkwells.co.uk Research • Planning Policy • Site Search • Site Appraisal • Planning Applications •  Appeals • Sustainable Development • Urban Design • Masterplanning • Heritage Statements • Bids for … Continue reading

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Warwick Local Plan Consultations

  Warwick District Council are consulting on the latest stage of their Local Plan preparations. Until the 29th of July 2013 the Council are consulting on the following documents: Local Plan Revised Development Strategy; Gypsy and Traveller Site Options; Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule. The revised Local Plan development strategy allocates sites for 6,630 new dwellings over the next 15 years; 22.5 hectares of employment; proposals for a sub-regional employment site; and a hierarchy of rural settlements. If you need help to respond to this or any other Local Plan consultation email or call Michael on 01282 872570. Like all Local Plans, the Warwick Local Plan will set the strategic planning policy for the District. If you are … Continue reading

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Harrogate Planning Consultations

Harrogate Borough Council are consulting until the 21st of June 2013 on five new planning policy documents: Sites and Polices Development Plan Documents (DPD): Publication Draft Community Infrastrucure Levy Charging Schedule Homes for Local People Supplementary Planning Document Heritage Management Supplementary Planning Document Green Infrastructure Guide For expert help to make sure your voice is heard in relation to any of these important consultations call Michael on 01282 872570 or email. To view any of these documents click here.     ©Kirkwells Town Planners and Sustainable Development Consultants based at the Lancashire Digital Technology Centre in Burnley www.kirkwells.co.uk Research • Planning Policy • Site Search • Site Appraisal • Planning Applications •  Appeals • Sustainable Development • Urban Design • Masterplanning • Heritage … Continue reading

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Salford Local Plan – Initial Consultation

Following the withdrawal of their Core Strategy Salford City Council have embarked on preparing a new Local Plan. The Salford Local Plan will set out how the city will develop up until 2032. As an initial consultation stage the City Council is looking to find out what site allocations and designations should be included in the Salford Local Plan. Land for development Land for infrastructure Land to be protected The City Council is also consulting on the methodology for the sustainability appraisal of the Salford Local Plan The consultation runs until the 12th of April 2013. If you have land to promote or protect through the Salford Local Plan get help from Kirkwells RTPI chartered town planners, email or call … Continue reading

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Neighbourhood Plans: Process, Process, Process

  What can the Dawlish Neighbourhood Plan, the first neighbourhood plan to go to examination tell us? Well if we were pressed to sum it up in a few words we would say “process, process, process”.  And as any of you who have attended our neighbourhood planning training will know the need to follow process has been one of the key points we have made. Failure to follow process could have serious repercussions. So what can the Dawlish Neighbourhood Plan examination tell us. Follow the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations Firstly, that if your ambition as a parish council, or neighbourhood forum, is to have your plan become part of the statutory development framework you must ensure you follow the Neighbourhood Planning … Continue reading

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Scarborough Consults on Housing Numbers

Scarborough Council are consulting on options for the overall level of housing to be planned for in the Scarborough Borough Local Plan to 2030. As part of this process six options or scenarios for the amount of housing in the Borough have been generated. Level of Development Total Housing Growth (Range) (2011/12-2029/30) Yearly Delivery Rate (Range) Scenario A 1,900 – 3,800 100 – 200 Scenario B 3,800 – 5,700 200 – 300 Scenario C 5,700 – 7,600 300 – 400 Scenario D 7,600 – 9,500 400 – 500 Scenario E 9,500 – 11,400 500 – 600 Scenario F Above 11,400 Above 600 If the Scarborough consultation affects you, and you need to you make sure your views are taken in to … Continue reading

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Lancaster Draft Local Plan Consultation

Lancaster City Council have begun consultation on three key Local Plan documents: Draft Preferred Options Development Management DPD; Land Allocations DPD; and Morecambe Area Action Plan If you need expert town planners to help you respond to any of these consultations email or call 01282 872570 The consultations close on the 14 December 2012. Copies of all three documents can be viewed here.   ©Kirkwells Town Planners and Sustainable Development Consultants based at the Lancashire Digital Technology Centre in Burnley www.kirkwells.co.uk Research • Planning Policy • Site Search • Site Appraisal • Planning Applications •  Appeals • Sustainable Development • Urban Design • Masterplanning • Heritage Statements • Bids for Funding • Neighbourhood Planning • Community Right to Build • Community … Continue reading

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Calderdale Local Plan Core Strategy

THIS CONSULTATION HAS NOW CLOSED. DID YOU MISS IT? WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT DOESN’T HAPPEN AGAIN? WE MONITOR ALL LOCAL PLANS. WE CAN TRACK THOSE THAT AFFECT YOU AND CAN THEN ADVISE YOU ON HOW TO RESPOND. TO FIND OUT HOW WE CAN HELP YOU CALL 01282 872570. Calderdale are consulting on the Preferred Options for the Local Plan Core Strategy over the next 2 months. Land owners, business, and residents have until 14th of December 2012 to comment on the strategic planning policy for the Borough. If the Calderdale Local Plan affects you make sure your views are taken in to account get expert help from RTPI chartered town planners by calling – 01282 872570 Copies of the Calderdale Local Plan can … Continue reading

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South Derbyshire Local Plan – Preferred Growth Strategy

South Derbyshire have produced a Preferred Growth Strategy as part of their Local Plan preparation. This follows a review of population and housing growth conducted with Amber Valley Council and Derby City Council. The Council are consulting on four options (see graphic). Three of which would see between 11,000 and 12,000 new homes in South Derbyshire. Do you need to respond to this consultation? Get expert help, call: 01282 872570 The consultation documents can be viewed here. The consultation closes on the 21st of December 2012. ©Kirkwells Town Planners and Sustainable Development Consultants based at the Lancashire Digital Technology Centre in Burnley www.kirkwells.co.uk Research • Planning Policy • Site Search • Site Appraisal • Planning Applications •  Appeals • Sustainable … Continue reading

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