Monthly Archives: July 2012

More Housing Land Needed in Wigan

This Consultation has CLOSED. IF YOU MISSED IT. YOU NEED THIS. After the suspension of the Examination in to the Wigan Core Strategy Wigan Council need to find more housing land. For land owners this is a real opportunity to bring new housing sites forward. Some of the options could mean release of greenfield land, including: Land safeguarded for future development at Standish Land safeguarded for future development at Golborne and Lowton Land in the Green Belt around Wigan Land in the Green Belt at Leigh Combinations of the above. If you are a land owner and want to increase your site’s value and bring it forward for housing development get expert help from RTPI chartered town planners by calling … Continue reading

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Barnsley Sites and Town Centre Consultations

Barnsley Council are consulting on two key documents that will form part of the town’s Local Development Framework. Development Sites and Places – identifies land for housing, employment and other uses. This document also sets out the Council’s planning policies for development management; Barnsley Town Centre Area Action Plan – sets out the vision for Barnsley town centre and identifies future development sites. Up to date local plans set the future planning framework. Sites identified now in Development Sites and Places and the Barnsley Town Centre Area Action Plan will stand a far greater chance of development than sites not identified in these plans. If you are looking to develop land or property interests in Barnsley and the town’s centre you may need to respond to … Continue reading

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East Staffordshire Local Plan Consultation

East Staffordshire is consulting on a new Local Plan.  The East Staffordshire Local Plan will set the planning framework for new homes, employment and community facilities, as well as ensuring the protection of the historic and natural environment up to 2031. To deliver growth the Council has looked at a series of options. The preferred option, “Option 2d”, would see sustainable urban extensions south of Burton-upon-Trent and west of Uttoxeter. In total, this would see 3,900 new homes in Burton and 1,050 in Uttoxeter. Over 75% of these new homes would be on greenfield sites. 31 hectares of employment land are proposed. The consultation runs until the 21st of September 2012. Once complete the East Staffordshire Local Plan will set the … Continue reading

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Multi million package of support to revive the country’s high streets

And so the headline reads from the DCLG press release. For the lucky fifteen new Portas Pilots they will be sharing £1.5 million of Government funding. For the unsuccessful 392 the multi-million package is not quite so generous. If they can sign up their local MP (and why would an MP not want to sign-up? The alternative would seem to be foot shooting pf the highest order) the unsuccessful can share £5.5 million between them. This does look like Government wanting to sweeten the bitter pill of disappointment and grab the headline that “multi millions are going in to our town centres”. This does not mean that for one moment we want to decry the £14,000 apiece that this works out … Continue reading

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Ilkley and Leeds Neighbourhood Plan Bids

The North of England has been relatively slow in taking up the chance to prepare neighbourhood plans. But in the last few days we have had moves from a number of parishes to get things moving by seeking a neighbourhood planning area designation. So in Bradford Ilkley Parish Council’s application is being consulted on until the 27th of August. Whilst over in Leeds a number of parishes have made similar bids: Aberford, Bardsey-cum-rigton, Barwick in Elmet and Scholes, Bramham, Linton, Thorp Arch, Walton, and Wetherby Consultation Period – 25th May 2012 to 6th July 2012 Shadwell  Consultation Period – 1st June 2012 to 13th July 2012 Boston Spa  Consultation Period – 15th June 2012 to 27th July 2012 Clifford  Consultation … Continue reading

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Blackburn Greenfield Release for Growth?

This Consultation has CLOSED. IF YOU MISSED IT. YOU NEED THIS. Blackburn with Darwen is consulting on the release of greenfield sites to meet the need for new homes up to 2026. These housing development plans are part of Blackburn with Darwen’s consultation on their site allocations and development management policies. If this consultation raises issues for you call 01282 872570 for expert, independent advice. The land currently being looked at for release includes a number of sites of Non-Green Belt land: Land at Parsonage Road, Blackburn Land between Livesey Branch Road and Gib Lane, Blackburn Bailey’s Field, east of Darwen Land at Pole Lane, Darwen Land at Kirkham’s Farm, Darwen And four Green Belt sites: east of Whitebirk Drive, Blackburn north … Continue reading

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Salford Consults on Planning Guidance

This Consultation has CLOSED. IF YOU MISSED IT. YOU NEED THIS. Salford City Council has started to review a number of the city council’s existing supplementary planning documents (SPDs), by seeking comments on five existing SPDs. These are the supplementary planning documents (SPDs) for: Design and Crime Hot Food Takeaways House Extensions Telecommunications Trees and Development These SPDs will be updated to reflect Salford’s proposed Core Strategy which the Council propose to adopt in May 2013, and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Once revised the Salford supplementary planning documents will be used for development management planning, particularly the determination of planning applications and planning permissions. If you need expert, independent, town planning consultants to advise you on the review of Salford … Continue reading

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Red Tape Cut for Planning Applications

The Government are consulting on proposals to streamline information requirements for planning applications.  The consultation is open for a 10 week period ending on 11 September 2012. We summarise the main points below. If you need help on this or any other planning issue call 01282 872570.  Background The Killian Pretty Review in 2008 recommended that information requirements for all planning applications should be made clearer, simpler and more proportionate.  A range of changes were made and planning application validation requirements were made much clearer.  Concerns still persists in the business sector about disproportionate information requirements. The changes the Government are proposing intend to go further than what has already been done, particularly for Outline planning applications. Summary The paper … Continue reading

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4,500 new homes for Allerdale

This Consultation has CLOSED. IF YOU MISSED IT. YOU NEED THIS. Allerdale Council are consulting on the area’s new Local Plan. This would see: 4,560 new homes built up to 2028; 45 hectares of new employment development; 35% of development would be in Workington; and 39% in the key service centres of Maryport, Cockermouth, Wigton , Silloth and Aspatria the Council are also proposing at least 20% of housing (on sites of 10 or more is affordable). This rises to 40% in Cockermouth; and strategic employment sites are also identified at: Lillyhall, Port of Workington and Derwent Howe; Will the future development of Allerdale affect where you live? Will it affect your business? Do you need help getting to grips with this consultation? Do … Continue reading

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Planning Fees to rise 15% in the Autumn!

The Government has announced planning fees will rise 15% in Autumn 2012. Our experienced team can help you beat the fee rise by submitting your planning application this Summer. To save yourself money call us now on 01282 872570. To find out more about our planning application service click here.

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