Tag Archives: General Permitted Development Order

Find Out How You Can Benefit From New Planning Rights

30th May 2013 saw the Government introduce a raft of new regulations extending permitted development rights for home owners, office conversions, temporary uses for redundant agricultural buildings, and change of use of commercial buildings falling within specific use classes. The changes to the General Permitted Development Order, which include new rules to allow office buildings to be converted to residential use without planning permission and increased limits for householder extensions, are now in force. The measures also include new rules to enable the conversion of existing buildings such as offices, hotels, care homes, cinemas and concert halls to state-funded schools without the need for planning consent (see full list of key changes below). All of these measures are intended to … Continue reading

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Air Source Heat Pumps and Planning

Generating energy from renewable sources is good for the environment and good for your pocket as a householder.  But if you are thinking of installing an air source heat pump do you need planning permission or not? To find out if you do read on, or call Claire on 01282 872570. Renewable energy resources, such as wind, solar and hydropower, offer clean alternatives to fossil fuels. They produce little or no pollution or greenhouse gases, and they will never run out. This fifth guide will concentrate on air source heat pumps.  Air source heat pumps absorb heat from the outside air. This heat can then be used to heat radiators, underfloor heating systems, or warm air convectors and hot water … Continue reading

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Biomass Boilers and Combined Heat and Power Systems and the Planning System

Generating energy from renewable sources is good for the environment and good for your pocket as a householder.  But if you are thinking of installing a Biomass Boiler or Combined Heat and Power System do you need planning permission or not? To find out if you do read on, or call Claire on 01282 872570. Wood-fuelled heating systems, also called biomass systems, burn wood pellets, chips or logs to provide warmth in a single room or to power central heating and hot water boilers.  stove burns logs or pellets to heat a single room – and may be fitted with a back boiler to provide water heating as well. And a boiler burns logs, pellets or chips, and is connected to a … Continue reading

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Ground Source Heat Pumps and Water Source Heat Pumps and Planning

Generating energy from renewable sources is good for the environment and good for your pocket as a householder.  But if you are thinking of installing a ground source heat pump or water source heat pump do you need planning permission or not? To find out if you do read on, or call Claire on 01282 872570. Ground source heat pumps use pipes which are buried in the garden to extract heat from the ground. This heat can then be used to heat radiators, underfloor or warm air heating systems and hot water in your home.  A ground source heat pump circulates a mixture of water and antifreeze around a loop of pipe – called a ground loop – which is buried in … Continue reading

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Wind Turbines and the Planning System

Generating energy from renewable sources is good for the environment and good for your pocket as a householder.  But if you are thinking of installing a wind turbine do you need planning permission or not? To find out if you do read on, or call Claire on 01282 872570. Within The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (England) Order 2011 Part 40 relating to the “Installation of Domestic Microgeneration Equipment” includes Class H and I which relate to the installation of wind turbines within the curtilage of a dwelling house. Class H gives householders “permitted development rights” to install wind turbines on houses without planning permission in some instances.  There are 12 criteria and 4 conditions which the installation has … Continue reading

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Solar PV and Planning

Generating energy from renewable sources is good for the environment and good for your pocket as a householder.  But do you need planning permission if you are thinking of installing solar panels? To find out if you do read on, or call Claire on 01282 872570. Within The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (England) Order 2011, Part 40 relating to the “Installation of Domestic Microgeneration Equipment” includes Class A and B which relate to the installation of solar panels within the curtilage of a dwelling house. So the answer really depends on whether your proposed development is already permitted development or not. Class A gives householders “permitted development rights” to install solar photovoltaics (PV) without planning permission on a … Continue reading

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