Town planning is like most things in life – it is better to ask questions sooner rather than later. Countless projects waste time, effort and huge sums of money by not asking the right question at the right time. Refused permissions, planning appeals, enforcement action. Unfortunately, too many people skip this step, and pay the price later. Kirkwells offer a full pre-application advice service – we fully assess your project to see if it will get over all the key hurdles. Will it be acceptable against national planning policy? Will it meet the local councils planning policy? How does it sit with the neighbourhood plan? And all the other things you need to be aware of – Listed buildings, nature sites, … Continue reading
Get Money Saving Planning Advice
Town planning is like most things in life – it is better to ask questions sooner rather than later. Countless projects waste time, effort and huge sums of money by not asking the right question at the right time. Refused permissions, planning appeals, enforcement action. Unfortunately, too many people skip this step, and pay the price later. Kirkwells offer a full pre-application advice service – we fully assess your project to see if it will get over all the key hurdles. Will it be acceptable against national planning policy? Will it meet the local councils planning policy? How does it sit with the neighbourhood plan? And all the other things you need to be aware of – Listed buildings, nature sites, … Continue reading