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Author Archives: admin
Kirkwells can tailor a training package to meet your needs. Training on town planning, sustainability, and community engagement to benefit you, and your organisation. Based on your needs we can design one-off training sessions to a full courses so you, and your organisation, can get to grips with the planning system. Find out more about our Neighbourhood Planning Training for Parish and Town Councils.
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Community Engagement
Engaging the right people, in the right way, at the right time is at the heart of the planning system. Our team of planners has a long track record of successfully engaging communities and their political representatives. Kirkwells can put this knowledge and expertise at your disposal to help steer your project through what can often be controversial and difficult waters. We have a range of partners who can help on more specialised engagement areas including mediation. To find out how we can help you call: 01282 872 570.
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Bidding for funding and project appraisal
If you need to put together a bid for grant or other funding Kirkwells can do this for you. We work with you to put together a credible, realistic funding package. e.g. for neighbourhood plans. We can do this for large and small projects and our assistance ranges from full bid preparation and co-ordination, to support and help on specific parts of your bid. You will be working with a team that has successfully bid for funding from many sources, including UK and EU Government. Over the years our team has successfully bid for funding of more than £100 million. On the other hand, if you are a grant funding body, and you are seeking independent appraisal of projects in … Continue reading
Urban Design & Masterplanning
At Kirkwells, we are committed to quality. Quality in the services we offer to you and in the projects you will deliver on the ground. Urban design and masterplanning are often at the heart of this. We offer you a full range of urban design and masterplanning services to ensure that your project is of the highest design quality. To find out more call 01282 872 570
Sustainable Development
The purpose of planning is to help achieve sustainable development. And we put sustainable development at the heart of everything we do. And with the presumption in favour of sustainable development now at the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework it is now more important than ever for you to ensure that your planning project balances the economic, environmental and social needs. Our in-house team, and network of experts, are perfectly placed to work with you to ensure that your development is sustainable and stands the best chance of approval. Download our sustainable development services leaflet.
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Site Search & Appraisal
If you are looking for a site for a new development, seeking a building for a business, public sector or voluntary use Kirkwells has extensive knowledge and a network of contacts. Knowledge and contacts that it can use to find you the right site. Allied to this knowledge, we offer you the expertise to analyse and appraise options and recommend a way forward that gets your development up and running. And if we don’t think your proposal will work we will tell you. Why waste money! To discuss your next move call 01282 872 570
Local Plans
Our extensive experience working on a range of planning policy issues means we can support you to develop, change or challenge planning policy. We can assist you at any level – national, regional, Local Plan, Local Development Framework or Neighbourhood Plan. We can also develop and present your case at all forms of public examination and inquiry. Just a few of the services we can provide you include: Representation on local authority core strategies and development management documents Presentation of your case for a sites inclusion as a development land allocation Preparation of Neighbourhood Plans Preparation of development briefs and supplementary planning documents Expert witness at all forms of examination and planning inquiry To discuss your needs call: 01282 872570
Localism Bill And Planning
The first in our series of mini guides on the Government’s Localism Bill provides a brief summary of the Bill’s proposals for planning. In the next few days, we will be writing in more detail about particular aspects of the Bill and how they could begin to affect you. We also provide our early take on how we think you can begin to get to grips with the new planning landscape. What is Localism? The Government sees Localism as being about giving power back to local communities. And includes a range of measures to do this. Regional Spatial Strategies So one of the first things it will do is abolish regional strategies. The Government had tried to do this soon … Continue reading