To plan for Birmingham’s growing population the city council have kick started consultations on a new development plan. Any one interested in the future of Birmingham now has until the 14th of January 2013 to comment on development options for the future of the city. The City Council calculates there will be a shortfall in housing land of some 30,000 units if only urban sites are considered. The City Council are also looking to increase employment land supply. As a result the option of developing land currently designated as Green Belt is being considered. The areas being considered are shown below. If the Birmingham Plan affects you make sure your views are taken in to account get expert help from RTPI … Continue reading
Birmingham Consults on Development Plan Options
To plan for Birmingham’s growing population the city council have kick started consultations on a new development plan. Any one interested in the future of Birmingham now has until the 14th of January 2013 to comment on development options for the future of the city. The City Council calculates there will be a shortfall in housing land of some 30,000 units if only urban sites are considered. The City Council are also looking to increase employment land supply. As a result the option of developing land currently designated as Green Belt is being considered. The areas being considered are shown below. If the Birmingham Plan affects you make sure your views are taken in to account get expert help from RTPI … Continue reading