Tag Archives: Issues and Options

Preston Consults on City Centre Plan

THIS CONSULTATION HAS NOW CLOSED. DID YOU MISS IT? WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT DOESN’T HAPPEN AGAIN? WE MONITOR ALL LOCAL PLANS. WE CAN TRACK THOSE THAT AFFECT YOU AND CAN THEN ADVISE YOU ON HOW TO RESPOND. TO FIND OUT HOW WE CAN HELP YOU CALL 01282 872570. Preston City Council is consulting on a new plan for the city centre. The Preston City Centre Plan will be an Area Action Plan, and will sit alongside the council’s Site Allocation’s Plan, which reached Preferred Options stage earlier this year. Interested in the future of Preston? Need expert help to make your views known? Then email or call: 01282 872570 You can comment on the Issues and Options paper until the … Continue reading

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Fylde Local Plan: Issues and Options Consultation

From the 7th of June 2012 the Fylde Local Plan to 2030 Issues and Options go on public consultation. Comments are now being sought until the 19th of July on the document that will guide development in Fylde until 2030. Fylde’s Issues and Options Paper sets out 5 alternative spatial options and 29 policy options for the future development of the Borough. The Council have also organised a number of community engagement events throughout June. To find out more about these and view the Local Plan Issues and Options Paper click here. If you need assistance in getting to grips with the new Fylde Local Plan call Mick on 01282 872570, or email your enquiry. And don’t forget your FREE copy of … Continue reading

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Northumberland Issues and Options Consultation

Northumberland County Council are consulting on the Issues and Options stage of their Core Strategy. Need help with this consultation? Call 01282 872570. Until the 15th of August 2012 views are being sought on the document that will set out the spatial strategy for Northumberland over the next 15 years. The Issues and Options document poses a series of questions. Should strategic development continue with the existing approach, plan for lower rates of development, or have targeted increases in development? Should the spatial distribution of development be concentrated in key settlements, be more dispersed, or concentrated in key settlements plus targeted growth? If the latter is chosen this would mean additional growth and development would be focused in Blyth, Cramlington, Ashington … Continue reading

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