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Monthly Archives: June 2013
Warwick Local Plan Consultations
Warwick District Council are consulting on the latest stage of their Local Plan preparations. Until the 29th of July 2013 the Council are consulting on the following documents: Local Plan Revised Development Strategy; Gypsy and Traveller Site Options; Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule. The revised Local Plan development strategy allocates sites for 6,630 new dwellings over the next 15 years; 22.5 hectares of employment; proposals for a sub-regional employment site; and a hierarchy of rural settlements. If you need help to respond to this or any other Local Plan consultation email or call Michael on 01282 872570. Like all Local Plans, the Warwick Local Plan will set the strategic planning policy for the District. If you are … Continue reading
Helping Local Planning Authorities Support and Facilitate Neighbourhood Plans
Arguably the greatest change introduced by the government’s planning reforms is community-led Neighbourhood Planning. This does not mean local planning authorities are leaving their communities seeking to neighbourhood plan to their own devices. Local planning authorities up and down the country are looking at different ways in which they can meet their duty to offer “appropriate support” and “facilitate” neighbourhood plans. All easier said than done if you area a local planning authority being asked to balance competing claims on your scarce planning department resources. This is where Kirkwells can help. Our neighbourhood planning experts can work alongside you to support your parish and town councils and neighbourhood fora. Supporting you with our full range of neighbourhood planning services we can … Continue reading
Neighbourhood Planning: Do We? Don’t We?
This is one of the key questions groups ask themselves when thinking about preparing a neighbourhood plan? And what an important question: given all the time and resources that could be taken up by a neighbourhood plan; especially when considered against all the other things town, parish councils and neighbourhood forums may want or have to do. Kirkwells can help you answer this question and save time and money through our tailored one to one scoping sessions. Individually tailored to your council or group we explore with you all the key issues and help you to decide how they are best addressed. Is this through a neighbourhood plan? Or is this better done via some other route e.g. your local … Continue reading
Onshore Wind: More Say For Communities and Increased Benefits
Bowing to pressure from MPs and local communities the government has announced a series of measures to give local communities more say in planning applications for onshore wind development and the chance of greater community benefits. This was all revealed in a Written Ministerial Statement from Eric Pickles, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. So what does giving “local people far more ability to shape the places in which they live” now mean in relation to windfarms? Firstly, secondary legislation will be amended to make pre-application consultation with local communities compulsory for more significant onshore wind applications. Secondly, the Government will be expecting the windfarm industry to revise its Community Benefit Protocol by the end of the … Continue reading
Kirkwells’ Neighbourhood Planning News June 2013
The June issue of our popular Neighbourhood Planning News is out now. Click here to download a copy. June’s issue has stories on: First recipients of the government’s £9.5 million funding and support Ban the Plan in Winsford Broadland top-ups Updates on Herefordshire and Warwickshire Community Infrastructure Levy Make sure you do not miss a future issue – subscribe. Need support to produce your neighbourhood plan? Get expert help. Just call 01282 872570. Not sure what neighbourhood planning could mean for your area? Book one of our FREE training sessions. ©Kirkwells Town Planners and Sustainable Development Consultants based at the Lancashire Digital Technology Centre in Burnley www.kirkwells.co.uk Research • Planning Policy • Site Search • Site Appraisal • Planning Applications • Appeals • … Continue reading
South Gloucestershire Policies, Sites and Places Plan
South Gloucestershire are to prepare a Policies, Sites and Places Development Plan. This Plan will set out detailed planning policies to manage new development, allocate smaller scale (non-strategic) sites for various types of development, and identify local communities’ vision and objectives for their local area, including future development. South Gloucestershire will work on the following over the next few months: Working with our local communities on a rural housing strategy, including a review of rural settlement boundaries, to enable small scale housing development to meet any locally identified needs; Defining town centre boundaries, allocating sites for new comparison (non-food) development and reviewing the list of primary and secondary shopping frontages; Reviewing and updating the detailed policies for managing new development, … Continue reading
Central Lincolnshire Site Allocations
The Central Lincolnshire Joint Planning Unit (covering Lincoln, West Lindsey and North Kesteven Districts) has begun consultation on a site allocations document. Starting with the current “preliminary engagement” consultation running from 20th May – 16th September 2013. The site allocations will seek to meet the housing nuber and employment land targets set in the Draft Core Strategy – 42,800 homes and 210 hectares of employment land. For expert help to make sure your voice is heard in relation to this important consultation call Michael on 01282 872570 or email. Copies of the consultation documents can be found here. ©Kirkwells Town Planners and Sustainable Development Consultants based at the Lancashire Digital Technology Centre in Burnley www.kirkwells.co.uk Research • Planning Policy • Site Search • Site Appraisal • Planning Applications … Continue reading
North Yorkshire New Minerals and Waste Plan
North Yorkshire County Council, North Yorkshire National Park Authority and York City Council have kick-started the preparation of a new joint Minerals and Waste Plan. In this first consultation the three councils are seeking views on what this new plan for minerals and waste to 2030 should contain. The key questions the councils expect to consider include: What are the expected future extraction requirements for mineral resources from within the Joint Plan area? How can we help maintain continuity of supply of minerals? What areas or locations are likely to be most suitable in principle for new or extended mineral working? How can we safeguard important minerals resources and infrastructure? What policies should we have to help ensure that protected landscapes, the environment … Continue reading
Leeds Site Allocations Issues and Options Consultation
For eight weeks, until the 29th of July, you can comment on Leeds City Council’s Issues and Options consultation on the City’s Site Allocations Plan. This key document will identify sites for development in Leeds up until 2028. At this Issues and Options stage the Council are setting out early ideas for site allocations for housing, employment, retailing and greenspace. This will be the first consultation in the preparation of the Site Allocations Plan. The Plan will go through various stages of preparation and will be subject to examination in public by an independent Inspector before adoption by the Council. For expert help to make sure your voice is heard in relation to this important consultation call Michael on 01282 872570 or email. The consultation … Continue reading
How Much Does It Cost To Produce a Neighbourhood Plan?
If you are a parish council, town council, or neighbourhood forum this question is probably at the top of your list. If are considering such a major piece of work, you want to go into this with your eyes open. Unfortunately there is not much information out there, and some of it is very misleading. We have seen cost ranges of £60,000-£100,000 bandied about. There may be one or two extremes out there that do cost so much, but, in general, neighbourhood plans will be prepared for much, much less than this. OK. The overall figure for your neighbourhood plan will depend on complexity, size of the area, what skills you have to offer, and whether you are seeking a … Continue reading